Toddler Maggie with her mother Marjorie Hughan Rockwell and her three older brothers (Hugh Rockwell, Fritz Rockwell, and Donald Rockwell)
Maggie and her brothers Hugh, Don, and Fritz (L to R) as teenagers
Maggie with her four daughters (Julie Margaret Finch (left), Martha Willard Finch, Mary Dabney Baker Finch, and Annie Ridley Crane Finch), c. 1957
Maggie at the banquet to receive poetry award from the Poetry Society of America for her poem “So in the Mind,”at table with daughter Marta Finch Kozlosky and husband Henry LeRoy Finch. Standing: Annie, Dabney (Mary), Charles Kozklosky, friends Kim DeBeaumont and Liz DeBeautmont. New York, 1970
Maggie, Annie, and Frog, 1973
Maggie and Annie recording the poem duets on this site, Lewiston, Maine c. 2008
Maggie & Nancy Randolph of Just Write Books, publisher of The Barefoot Goose
3 poets, Maggie Finch, Annie Finch, and Marta Finch Kozlosky, after Maggie’s poetry reading at Longfellow Days Poetry Festival in Brunswick, Maine, 2006?
Maggie editing her poems
Maggie and Annie with poet Kazim Ali at Stonecoast MFA Program, 2010